Friday, October 29, 2010

Some people are just simple and the stress in their life is quite low

     There are many words that can be used to describe different kinds of people.  Certain people get the honor of having many words that describe themselves. My friend Jordan Harder has many words that could describe him.. but one of the words that I think I'll use to describe him today is a simple barbarian.  Jordan is not a person that will stick or cling to a certain civilization. He bounces around and wonders as an individual barbarian would. He fights his own fights, scrounges for any food possible, and simple just parties life. Now you might think this is a blog dedicated to Jordan Harder.. well I can assure you that you are wrong.  This is simple just a little introduction, sneak peak, to the blog I will dedicate to Jordan. Ladies and gents I present to the one and only legend. .  Jordan Harder.

       Enough of the rambling, lets get down to the grunt work. This is the part where I start to sweat from thinking so much of how I am going to spit out some fancy, complicated words so that people think I have somewhat of a well sophisticated blog.
      I shot these at an ISO of 1600 once again, to get a grainy look. The aperture was at 5.6 for some and for others 4.5. There wasn't a ton of light so my shutter speed stayed pretty consistent at about 1/50.  Some of them I desaturated and they turned out pretty good. I kept it pretty simple on the editing as usual. Don't want to "church it up" to much.

barbarian: a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations
                          • an uncultured or brutish person.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Some things just don't work out

       I think it would be pretty accurate to say that one of my passions is traveling.  If I am going in and out of the same routine everyday I get pretty antsy with life and the people around me. It's quite healthy for me to get out of the same old crap and just see new things through traveling.  You could say that traveling balances me as a person. Plus there is so much fun things to do while traveling.  It's like halloween, you can pretty much get away with anything.
     Anyways, this last weekend my brother, my friend Mike Miller and I went over to Seattle for a snowboard premiere that my brother and I were going to be in.  And it just so happened that this premiere was the night before the annual Downtown Throwdown invite Pro rail jam!  The production company that my brother and I ride for is called YKWII.  The YKWII movie "Share the Wealth" was going to be the opening movie before Wildcard productions movie.  One of the riders for YKWII, Austen Sweetin had shots in both the movies.  Right before the premiere started, one of the Wildcard movie producers informed the audience that there was a conflict of interest of having Autstin's shots be in both movies and they weren't going to be able to play YKWII's movie.  Some things just don't work out. Anyways, long story short they didn't show our movie which was a bummer but we still had a bunch of great adventures by going on the trip.  Here is a link to YKWII "Share The Wealth" movie that you can watch for free online.

       Now it's time to talk about the more technical aspect of the photo which I don't like to write about as much.  In these photos of the riders at the DTTD I left the shutter speed at 1/200 and had my ISO at 200. The aperture I just left at 5.6. If you notice on some of the pictures, certain areas are a little blurry.  With the lighting and how the conditions were (it was raining), I should of turned the ISO up which would of aloud me to have a faster shutter speed.  By turning the ISO up and speeding up the shutter speed it would of "froze" the rider better (the picture wouldn't of been as blurry) without the picture being to dark. I was new at shooting action shots and my friend Essex Prescott informed that it would of worked out a little better if I would of tried well.  Even though my ISO was to low some of the shots turned out alright.
travelmake a journey, typically of some length or abroad :
 Stephen Sturges inspire me:

Austen Sweetin doing a proper front lip

Andrew Brewer also partying with a pressed out front lip

Nick Visconti getting "weird" as he would say

Forest Bailey with some of the best style out there


Forest doing a perfect front blunt

The fans were toughing out the rainy weather

Jake Kuzyk sending the nose press

Austen front threein off the pole jam as other riders watch

These last three shots I once again tried to give a film look. Pretty standard.

Ryan Paul won the jam walkin away 3K richer

Ben Bilocq proper pressin as usual

Friday, October 8, 2010

I rode this llama once. . .

       One dark, eerie evening a group of my friends and I were walking along this road and we came across this senile farm. Anyways, we saw some animals in the farm consisting of some sheep, ground squirrels, and llamas. We were like, "wow thats cool.. we should totally go and try and ride one of those llamas." About 5 minutes later, we jumped inside the fence and were chasing after these llamas.  The llamas got away from all my friends but I happened to corner one.  I crept up close to it and jumped on its back and it just took off.  I managed to hold on for like 40 feet before I got tossed off. It was a great experience and I recommend to everyone to at least try it once in your life. 
       The whole theme I wanted to have in shooting the farm and llamas was to get a kind of polaroid effect.  I was trying to get them to turn out a little over exposed and make them have a raw film look.  Some turned out better than others.  All the farm ones, I shot with the ISO at 1600 to get more of a noisy unclear look.  I also had the shutter speed at like 1/100 or less to get the picture turning out a little over exposed.  For the most part, I didn't bother much with the aperture and just left it at 5.6.  Wherever the sun was coming into the frame was where it was usually over exposed. The different color lens flare also added to some of the pictures.  On some of them I changed the hue a little bit to give the picture a little bit of red in them.  Overall I think they turned out alright and I really like the effect on the pictures from shooting with the ISO higher. I'll probably start shooting more photos with the ISO higher from now on.  

llamadomesticated pack animal of the camel family found in the Andes, valued for its soft woolly fleece.
• the wool of the llama.• cloth made from such wool.

By all means, I don't support any habits that could be obtained from this picture of Mikes Hard Lemonade


     Ok, this next set of photos were taken at honeysuckle beach (besides the first one & last three).  Our Life Sports class was learning how to fly fish this past week so I figured I would bust out the camera why I was there.  There was some early morning fog over the lake that made the pictures turn out pretty good.  The fog and water reflection made it really white and bright out so I had to shoot with my shutter speed at 1/320 or else it was over exposed.  I left my aperture at 5.6.  For these, I wanted a clear picture so I kept the ISO at 200. On the editing side, I just bumped the clarity up on a lot of them and a little contrast and then desaturated some of them.  I figured you can always get your pictures into a bad situation if you try and "Church it up" to much in editing. Therefore, I just kept the editing pretty simple on these. 


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Certain things aren't meant to be understood

       I think the saying.. "Don't church it up to much" should really be considered in the photography world of editing.  In other words you don't always have to put a lot of editing into a picture to make it look good.  There are pictures where you need to use a lot of editing and others where you shouldn't use very much editing at all. Lets just say i didn't try and church it up with these photos much at all.   
       The first photo below,  I had my ISO at 800 by accident and in certain parts of the picture it turned out a little noisy.  It almost looks like a polaroid picture.  I think next week I will purposely try and get more pictures to turn out like this one. 

       This week I was working on depth of field and seeing how well I could get it to turn out.  I really like how the golf wiffle ball turned out.  It makes it look good having it be a little blurry in front of the ball and then the rest of the shot behind the ball all blurry.  It really makes your focus turn to the ball instead of the other things in the shot.  The same goes for the shots of the mushrooms and blue berries.