This week I tried to shoot pictures in a little different way. I wanted them to turn out a little more peculiar. I think I did a descent job in getting different shots. All of these shots are related to the kid in the first picture. One day, (after pulling another late night party situation based out of Sam's house) I was sitting there on Sam's couch trying to peal my eyeballs out of my foggy, delusional, distracted brain and right as I got them clear enough to see, there it was.. a perfect picture opportunity. I ran outside and, as usual, missed my opportunity. Since I had already drug my lifeless zombie like body off of the couch, I figured I wouldn't waste my time outside Sam's house, and started taking pictures. They turned out pretty cool.
The reason I like this photo is because of Sam's expression and actions. I feel like this photo is saying a lot. His expression almost portrays an awkward, creepy situation. I think his expression draws you into the picture. On the editing side of the picture I bumped the contrast almost all the way up. I turned the clarity up a hair also. I also believe I turned down the exposure a little bit. I then used the vignetting tool to darken the edges of the pictures to put more of a focus on Sam's face. I then touched up Sam's face, starting with the bandage touch up tool on any little blemishes on his face. After that, I took the paint brush tool and turned down the opacity to about 20 and sampled a brighter portion of his face and simply just brightened his whole face up a little bit. |
The two bird pictures are very similar, just a little different. These two pictures took me awhile to get a good shot. It was a little more difficult because the cage bars entrapping the bird had to be just in the right spot for it to turn out. If one of the cross bars of the cage were in front of the birds face then you could kind of tell it was there. I managed to get it lined up where you can barely tell. For editing, I desaturated it all the way, bumped the contrast up some and then turned the clarity almost all the way up to try and get as much detail in the birds feathers as I could. |
I like this shot a lot. It's actually a reflection of a sliding glass door. The reflection consists of a barn, trees, and an old broken down car. I like how there is more of a darker picture, yet there is lighter spots of the grass and the barn. For editing, I turned the contrast all the way up and then I bumped the vibrance up some. I turned the vibrance up some cause I wanted the color of the grass to pop out a little more through the dark trees. |
This is the same location as the picture above except in this one I just the picture wider. I kept this picture a little lighter and more dull colors. In this photo I turned the vibrance down to get a more subtle look to the picture. I like how this picture almost looks like a picture from a film camera. The lighter white bar/line adds to the film look of this photo. I also left the black bar at the top of the photo in the photo so people understand it is a reflection of something. My goal with this photo is not to hide the fact that it is a reflection but to make it clear that it is one. The black bar at the top almost makes it look like the photo is glued to some black canvas board and you could peal the photo off that canvas board. |
This photo is cool. You can tell this photo is a reflection by the white blurry line streaks down the middles and to the right. This photo looked better desaturated simply because when it was normal colored the white line streaks stood out to much overwhelming the picture. For editing, I believe I bumped the clarity a little just to have the swinging chair pop out a little more. |
Ok so for this photo, I shot it with a faster shutter speed to not let as much light into the camera, because I wanted this photo to turn out darker. Once on the computer, I desaturated it, I bumped the contrast all the way up to get everything darker even more, and I also turned down the exposure some. I then darkened the corners as much as I could with the vignetting tool. The goal with this photo was to make it as dark as I could and have a little light come through the top of the picture through the cut wood. |
I put the focus on that middle big bark piece. I also wanted this photo to turn out very dark so I shot it with a quick shutter speed. I really like how the big branch runs across the lower part of the picture. That branch and the vertical branch almost frames the big center bark piece. When I look at this picture, I see circles everywhere from overlaying branches.
I attempted to shoot the moon, and it didn't turn out very well. I figured I would put it up anyways and be critical about it. I don't really like how there is no definition in the moon. I wish the moon would have more definition and the objects around the moon be more of just a silhouette rather then be totally lit up by the moon. I just wasn't very well knowledgeable about shooting moons. Any advice for future shootings of moons would be greatly appreciated.
I got my inspiration from Essex Prescott: