Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some things just don't matter

     I personally don't think there always has to be a meaning behind every single picture a person takes. In other words, it's not always necessary to have a full blown out story how you jumped over this river, ran through this fire, escaped this bear, and despite all those obstacles, still managed to "get the shot." We all know most of those stories are just a bunch of made up crap to sell a photo, get a girl, or even just to make the photo seem more rad. Don't take this the wrong way.. I think it's sweet having a cool story or some master mind plan behind getting the shot. All I am trying to say is that sometimes it doesn't hurt to just admit that you shot this object (van, wooden railing, a person, an american flag, and a random pair of shoes) just because it looked cool. Is it not good enough anymore just to say "yeah I shot that random looking thing just because it looked cool?" Is that such a sin? maybe it is.. maybe it isn't! I'll let you fools make your own choice on that. Anyways, that leads us to the end of my lecture. Have a great day ladies and gentlemen!

Wham Bam Bam.. she stole the van:


  1. Who needs photo 1 and 2? You've got talent sir. I really like the image with the shoes on the telephone wire, the angle is really good and the lighting makes it seem sort of eerie. And I like the flag shot, I normally wouldn't like the dead on centered object, but I think with it being the American Flag and it's framed well, that it worked. Keep up the good work through out the year!

  2. First of all, I just want to say that I agree with your idea that it is okay to simply take a photo of something random just because it looks cool. I think the strongest image in this series for me is the one of the shoes. I really like the contrast of the shoe color to the grey sky. Normally I would think that there would be too many lines in the photo for such a small focal point as the shoes, but I think it works in this photo, I can't really describe it. All I know is that I could look at this for quite a while. Overall I think you got some really awesome shots, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you'll bring to the table.

  3. It is okay to take a photo of something because it looks cool, but the challenge is to describe why it is cool.

    Read this-

    Just because it is a cool effect on the photo does not make it cool, the photo itself has to be cool and you need to be able to tell why it is cool. How are you composing the image? What type of light is on the main subject and how is that adding to the image? How are you using the element of line, scale, texture and focus in the image to make this cool thing be a cool image?
