I can't emphasize enough how awesome it is taking pictures while you are on the road. I believe the reason why so many good pictures turn out (on the road in a photographers mind) is because the road is taking the photographer to new locations; unknown territories that sparks excitement from being in a different place. I would go on a limb and say some of my best photos (the photos I like the most) have been shooting from a car. I took these pictures on my way back home from Colorado and I completely spaced about them once I got home. I forgot about them because when I got home, my new 60D Canon was awaiting me to tear into. As a result of a new camera, I forgot about these photos. Even though these were forgotten for some time, there is no reason why these should be overlooked and not put out there for people to see. Please anyone who looks at my pictures.. it would be great to get some feedback so I can analyze your negative comments to possibly better my photography skills. Thanks for stopping by, see you next week.
This picture was the first part of my trip on the to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. To say the least, it is awesome there. There isn't to many people, it's peaceful and has quiet plains, and most it importantly, shooting up from those plains are massive mountains full of snow. The sun was coming through the clouds shining onto the hills. This is a nice picture but it would of been a whole lot better if the telephone wires weren't there. Oh well though.. you win some and lose some. For editing, I pumped the contrast and the clarity and moved the temp down a little on this. |
Ok so on this photo I tried to crop it a little more so that the fence was barely showing to make this picture look like a desert almost. There almost looks like there are sand lines all over the place. I think this turned out pretty cool. And for editing, I had to turn down the temp quite a bit because the sun was very bright and yellow. After that, I bumped the contrast all the way up and then turned down the exposure a hair also. |
This is a shot out of the back of our car when the roads were really bad and it was windy out. I like this photo cause the inside of the car kind of frames the outside and it almost provides a natural vignetting look. The dirt across the windshield adds to the photo and almost makes the picture look like a film shot. The wind thats blowing the snow across the road also makes the photo look more grainy than it actually is.. which I think is cool. |
This is a jack knifed semi as a result of the bad roads. You can see very well in this picture how windy it was and all the snow that was being pushed around as a result of the wind. It made the road look like some desert in the middle on nowhere. I personally thought it was great, as for that truck driver. . . not so much. |
This is just a wider view of the same semi above. |
Ok so on these next couple pictures I was going for the old school black and white camera look from the 1940s. I really like how the sun blows a lot of the right side of the photo out. And as a result of desaturating the picture, The fence and the pole in the middle stand out really well cause they are the darkest. They were darker because I also bumped the blacks a hair. I wanted them to stand out the most though because I believe thats what makes this photo look great. |
Same idea was behind this photo. This one was just taken a little farther away. Different features apart of this photo make it have a totally different style, therefore, I wanted to put it up also even though it's very similar to the picture above. For editing in this picture and the one above, I obviously desaturated it, bumped the contrast some, and then darkened the corners some. |
In my opinion, this picture also looks like a desert. It looks like dunes in the middle of the desert with the sun about to go to sleep. I really like this picture. I had so many good pictures of the same kind of thing that I felt that I had to put them up. Even though they are kind of all the same general picture, they are completely different in their own ways. For editing, I had to turn down the temp once again, which naturally darkened the corners. I then bumped the contrast up and that was about it. |
This photo is probably one of my favorites. I took the shot and just the right time that the sun lit up the fence making it a silhouette. The ground below the fence was still in the shadows a lot so it was kept completely dark, which I really like. Since this photo was really yellow I had to also turn down the temp, I then bumped the contrast and that was about it.
The pictures in this post are one of a kind. I like how you where able make some of them look like they where taken from different part of the world. Like the one where you cropped the fence to make it look more like a desert, very cool. The some makes them also very interesting. I thing out of all of them, the most interesting is the jack knifed semi. Thats something you don't see everyday so it makes its unique making it a good photo.