Monday, September 27, 2010

A person of my status in a situation not thought of

      Some people might say that certain people in this world get "lucky." I am not so sure I believe in pure luck. Maybe it's just the word "luck" I don't like to use. I do believe certain people are put into situations that are negative and positive.  Maybe it was destined for those certain people to end up in a better situation than others (winning the lottery) and on the other hand maybe it was just the laws of this earth that something fatal happened to these other people.  I still don't believe that's bad luck or good luck.  Some people say "Everything happens for a reason." Maybe that's true maybe that Isn't true. I am not really sure.  Lets just say all things happened for a reason.. If that is true, then what is the reason for it happening?
       About a week ago I was in an unbelievable situation.  I teach wakeboard lessons in the summer with Hayden Wake.  Over every summer, our business establishes a clientele list.  Anyways, one of our clients flew my brother and I down to Lake Powell for three days in one of his personal jets to teach his wife how to wake surf . Yes, I will just say it.. it was Awesome!  We lived like kings for three day.  It was unbelievable.  And that is a perfect example of how a simple person can get into a situation he shouldn't be in.




Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some things just don't matter

     I personally don't think there always has to be a meaning behind every single picture a person takes. In other words, it's not always necessary to have a full blown out story how you jumped over this river, ran through this fire, escaped this bear, and despite all those obstacles, still managed to "get the shot." We all know most of those stories are just a bunch of made up crap to sell a photo, get a girl, or even just to make the photo seem more rad. Don't take this the wrong way.. I think it's sweet having a cool story or some master mind plan behind getting the shot. All I am trying to say is that sometimes it doesn't hurt to just admit that you shot this object (van, wooden railing, a person, an american flag, and a random pair of shoes) just because it looked cool. Is it not good enough anymore just to say "yeah I shot that random looking thing just because it looked cool?" Is that such a sin? maybe it is.. maybe it isn't! I'll let you fools make your own choice on that. Anyways, that leads us to the end of my lecture. Have a great day ladies and gentlemen!

Wham Bam Bam.. she stole the van: