Saturday, October 22, 2011

back for a little while I guess...

      Ladies and Gents.. its been awhile. Yes, I took a break from this piece of crap blog just cause I was getting really stressed out. No, that's a lie, there wasn't a scheduled break... the truth is I just got lazy. It's like sometimes I over think. I try and think so hard that I am not gonna be lazy in all situations of life and it still happens to creep up into my body and I end up sitting around for countless ours. And to make myself feel better about just sitting around doing nothing, I take a little power nap and call it a productive day.
     Now you probably think I am telling you this cause I have had some crazy revolution in my life and I am gonna change. In all honesty, I am only writing this blog because I got my wisdom teeth out and I am just typing to get my mind off the concept of myself looking like a retard drooling on myself. It seems to be working a little bit