Friday, October 15, 2010

Some things just don't work out

       I think it would be pretty accurate to say that one of my passions is traveling.  If I am going in and out of the same routine everyday I get pretty antsy with life and the people around me. It's quite healthy for me to get out of the same old crap and just see new things through traveling.  You could say that traveling balances me as a person. Plus there is so much fun things to do while traveling.  It's like halloween, you can pretty much get away with anything.
     Anyways, this last weekend my brother, my friend Mike Miller and I went over to Seattle for a snowboard premiere that my brother and I were going to be in.  And it just so happened that this premiere was the night before the annual Downtown Throwdown invite Pro rail jam!  The production company that my brother and I ride for is called YKWII.  The YKWII movie "Share the Wealth" was going to be the opening movie before Wildcard productions movie.  One of the riders for YKWII, Austen Sweetin had shots in both the movies.  Right before the premiere started, one of the Wildcard movie producers informed the audience that there was a conflict of interest of having Autstin's shots be in both movies and they weren't going to be able to play YKWII's movie.  Some things just don't work out. Anyways, long story short they didn't show our movie which was a bummer but we still had a bunch of great adventures by going on the trip.  Here is a link to YKWII "Share The Wealth" movie that you can watch for free online.

       Now it's time to talk about the more technical aspect of the photo which I don't like to write about as much.  In these photos of the riders at the DTTD I left the shutter speed at 1/200 and had my ISO at 200. The aperture I just left at 5.6. If you notice on some of the pictures, certain areas are a little blurry.  With the lighting and how the conditions were (it was raining), I should of turned the ISO up which would of aloud me to have a faster shutter speed.  By turning the ISO up and speeding up the shutter speed it would of "froze" the rider better (the picture wouldn't of been as blurry) without the picture being to dark. I was new at shooting action shots and my friend Essex Prescott informed that it would of worked out a little better if I would of tried well.  Even though my ISO was to low some of the shots turned out alright.
travelmake a journey, typically of some length or abroad :
 Stephen Sturges inspire me:

Austen Sweetin doing a proper front lip

Andrew Brewer also partying with a pressed out front lip

Nick Visconti getting "weird" as he would say

Forest Bailey with some of the best style out there


Forest doing a perfect front blunt

The fans were toughing out the rainy weather

Jake Kuzyk sending the nose press

Austen front threein off the pole jam as other riders watch

These last three shots I once again tried to give a film look. Pretty standard.

Ryan Paul won the jam walkin away 3K richer

Ben Bilocq proper pressin as usual

1 comment:

  1. I wish that there were dates on the posts so I know which post goes with which assignment/project number.

    Also, please make sure that I can click on the photos to see them a little bigger.

    Good action photos. I know at some of these events access is limited so do your best.
    The windmill shots are pretty good, not sure why you are including the reflection with the mirror in some of the shots, this would be good if you had a writeup with each of the photos like you are supposed to. :)

    When talking about your work, get descriptive, don't just state the obvious on them., Refer to here-
    Keep shooting, your work is looking good.
